Managing Linux and Unix Systems using SCCM 2012

Hi Guys...

Microsoft has added support for linux and unix systems from SCCM 2012 SP1. You can easily manage supported linux & unix operating system from SCCM.
You can use collections as same way you use collections to manage to other clients.Supports both direct membership and query based type.

Respective Client packages are available at below link

Supported UNIX/Linux Client:

·         AIX Version 7.1, 6.1, 5.3
·         Solaris Version 11, 10, 9
·         HP-UX Version 11iv2 , 11iv3
·         RHEL Version 6 , 5, 4
·         SLES Version 11, 10, 9
·         CentOS Version 6, 5
·         Debian Version 6, 5
·         Ubuntu Version 12.4 LTS, 10.4 LTS
·         Oracle Linux 6, 5


You can run a script on each Linux or UNIX computer. The script is named install and supports command line properties that modify the installation behavior and reference the client installation package. The install script and client installation package must be located on the client.

 The client installation package contains the Configuration Manager client files for a specific Linux or UNIX operating system and platform.

Each client installation package contains all the necessary files to complete the client installation and unlike Windows-based computers, does not download additional files from MP or other source location.

After you install the Configuration Manager client for Linux and UNIX, No reboot is required.

The installed client runs with root credentials. Root credentials are required to collect hardware inventory and perform software deployments.

command format: 

./install -mp <computer> -sitecode <sitecode> <property #1> <property #2> <client installation package>
·    install is the name of the script file that installs the client for Linux and UNIX. This file is provided with the client software.
·    -mp specifies the initial management point that is used by the client.
·    -sitecode S01 specifies the client is assigned to the site with the site code of S01.
·    ccm-Universal-x64.<build>.tar is the name of the client installation .tar package for this computer operating system, version, and CPU architecture.
Client installation Log Files and location
·    scxcm.log :  This log provides info about installation and behaviour.                                              
 Log file location =/var/opt/microsoft/configmgr/scxcm.log



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